Green Finance for the Future

Ecogreen Finance provides a range of tailored, alternative investment products to a range of private investors, with a particular investment focus on the following:

Industrial Investments: Ecogreen is actively acquiring property and development assets across the UK and EU for the construction of waste transfer stations, material recovery facilities and waste to energy plants. Value added sites are then lease to private waste management companies as well as local governement.

Energy and Renewables: Ecogreen is heavily involved with a range of energy projects – primarily focusing on production of energy from waste. Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) and Refused Derived Fuel (RDF) are at the forefront of energy production technology, as well as helping to reduce waste disposal costs.

Direct Private Equity: Ecogreen is acquiring shares in operations involved in material processing and recycling technologies – including tyre recycling, rMDF, plasterboard reprocessing, rigid plastic recovery and hazardous disposal methods.

The Ecogreen Finance Bond

Investing in the Ecogreen Finance Bond gives our investors exposure to three core asset classes that would normally only be available to commercial investors. These include trading development assets and developing and trading waste, recycling and energy assets.

The Ecogreen Finance Process

Our process is simple and transparent.

Your investment in the Ecogreen Finance Bond is asset-backed, with security normally taken against land or company shares.

Each application to borrow funds goes through a rigorous approval process overseen by Premier Financial Services.

The Independent Credit Committee applies in-depth analysis and risk assessments prior to agreeing the release of funds.

Our bonds are fully underwritten and secured – and a charge registered against an underlying asset to ensure any capital invested is protected.

Why invest in bonds?

A diversified bond portfolio can provide reliable yields with less volatility than equities, and higher incomes than savings accounts.

As an investor, you can use fixed-rate, fixed-term bonds to your advantage, knowing how much and when your returns are due.

Due to theiAs an investor, you can use fixed-rate, fixed-term bonds to your advantage, knowing how much and when your returns are due.r higher rates of return, bonds are a simple way to grow your money faster.

The Ecogreen Finance Fund is fixed-rate property bond and is also a ‘listed bond’. This means it’s ‘listed’ and can be traded on leading pan-European authorised stock exchanges in London, Vienna, and Frankfurt.

Need to know more?

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Ecogreen Finance Bond Security

Programme’s investment processes devised by leading legal specialists Dentons and approved by Regulated Stock Markets

Maximise your returns today

Grow your money through waste infrastructure development today with Ecogreen Finance Property Bond.